Here you will find if your country needs a visa to ingress UAE territory. For specifics of visa requirements, visit the official website of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security. https://www.mofa.gov.ae/en/visa-exemptions-for-non-citizen

The procedure to obtain the visa depends on the country of the request, we recommend to review the process with your consulate of UAE in your country or by contacting airlines:
Etihad Airlines: https://uaevisas.etihad.com/echannels/web/client/etihad/index.html
or through Emirates Airlines: https://www.emirates.com/english/before-you-fly/visa-passport-information/find-uae-visa-requirements/
Remarks: Participants are fully responsible for securing their visa on time and for providing all required documents to obtain it. The organisers will not be responsible if a participant does not receive his visa in time to travel. A copy of your visa must be uploaded to the registration system by August, 2025.